Monday, October 13, 2008

My understanding of the universe

My understanding of the universe is a spiritual and scientific certainty that we are all connected. From Wheeler-Feynman Quantum Physics equations I know:
"Wheeler and Feynman’s work goes beyond explaining radiation forces because energy transfer and the motion of matter are fundamental processes of nature. Further their concept, that the whole universe contributes to each electron, implies an inter-connection, i.e., Every charged particle is part of the universe and the universe is part of each charged particle."

In other words, Quantum physics finds that every atom of our being is connected to every other atom throughout the universe.

The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox further solidifies this knowledge
The EPR paradox draws on a phenomenon predicted by quantum mechanics, known as quantum entanglement, to show that measurements performed on spatially separated parts of a quantum system can apparently have an instantaneous influence on one another.
An example:
We have a source that emits pairs of electrons, with one electron sent to destination A, where there is an observer named Alice, and another is sent to destination B, where there is an observer named Bob. According to quantum mechanics, we can arrange our source so that each emitted electron pair occupies a quantum state called a spin singlet. This can be viewed as a quantum superposition of two states, which we call state I and state II. In state I, electron A has spin pointing upward along the z-axis (+z) and electron B has spin pointing downward along the z-axis (-z). In state II, electron A has spin -z and electron B has spin +z. Therefore, it is impossible to associate either electron in the spin singlet with a state of definite spin. The electrons are thus said to be entangled.

The EPR paradox was proven by Bell Labs when they instaneously transferred a photon from one space to another:

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