Sunday, November 2, 2008

Odd Jobs Resource Management

The honest news sources have been predicting for years a global currency crisis and a deep depression for most of the world. We are seeing their predictions come true. Thousands are losing thier jobs in all different types of industries. The crisis will continue until the financial cancer kills most of the real market. As happened in many other financials busts the ones who engineered the crisis will be in prime position to buy up the devalued real market.

What can those left out of a job in the real world do to protect themselves? Storing up food and water is a temporary solution to a possible decade long problem. Also how do they pay for the essentials of heating and transportation? The government probably won't help the vast majority of the middle class. The governments are owned by the people trying to destroy the middle class. As seen in the last depression a global war was used to shift economic resources and will probably be tried in the current depression. Rand Corporation recently lobbied the American Pentagon to start a war with Russia or China. (

The answer to a deep depression could be collaboration to change the human resources department into a job resources department. Who will have a job in a depression? Most people will, just not on a permanent basis. For example, people still need their lawns mowed, their files collated or their bookkeeping done but don't want to hire someone as a salaried employee. So how do people connect to a possible money source? In my opinion they will require a resource management group in their community to find them jobs.

Not only job resource management, but also wealth resource management. There are many opportunities to help people out of a debt crisis, retain their wealth, wisely invest or use programs setup by the government to give money to its citizens. Socialism has bloomed after the international financiers found it could use it to enslave populations. Why not take advantage of social institutions that give money away to certain groups, or fully take advantage of the system that is being used to enslave the population? Today we have a significant advantage over earlier depressions because of our ability to instantaneously connect and move enmasse towards a better solution. If the government gives you the right to use money then it would be irresponsible to neglect that right and it would be charity to tell as many other people about their common resource.

Even before people lose their jobs it would be a good idea to have a place to turn for people who no longer want their jobs. Am I talking crazy? I think not. Where do people find jobs who are in the armed services who don't want to protect corporations or who work in the IRS and no longer want to enforce a false law for a fraudulent system of control? Adam Kokesh spoke about this brilliant solution here:
The peaceful solution, maybe the only solution, to avoid war and stop the eugenics machine is for people to quit their government job and find another way to support themselves without helping the government plans.

Odd jobs resource management acknowledges the current reality of a currency system, but rejects the notion that competition is greater than collaboration. Creating a group that gives people the opportunity to maintain their lifestyle and take advantage of a socialist system would ensure a healthier beginning to a resource economy. A resource economy doesn't have to start out of no money. Indeed, it must start with a great deal of wealth and a deep understanding that government is at its best when it is at its least powerful. The only way to make the government powerless is to give people a different option for their survival.

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