Saturday, December 20, 2008

Difference between "cashless" and "moneyless" society

The Zeitgeist Plan has thrown alot of people who know about the Federal Reserve into an all out war against a resource economy. These people attack the Zeitgeist Plan on multiple fronts, but the economic one I will tackle in this blog.

The architects of the Federal Reserve openly want a "cashless society". This society would be given a certain amount of credits issued onto cards or onto chips implanted into people or onto their cards. This would be ultimate control. With a flick of a switch all your computer generated "credits" would disappear. Today they are pretty close to this cashless society. Most credit cards are issued with an RFID tracking device. All port workers are issued a TWIC card with an RFID locator chip. Many U.S. states are close to issuing a global drivers license with an RFID chip. Now the world's newspapers are simultaneously calling for a Global Government and heralding an economic collapse so devastating that Global Government will be controlled by banks.

The zeitgeist plan calls for a "moneyless society". No credits would be issued, no money of any sort would change hands. The only thing people would have to worry about is what to do with their day. I've already blogged about the possible ways automation and self sufficiency has been acheived in other, smaller societies. The challenge will be reshaping man's warped vision of life on earth. As I have said in earlier blogs this challenge will not be forced onto people, but like the Amish some will recognize its promise of a better life. Unlike the Amish, resource economists won't reject technology besides the technology of tracking individuals and items for personal gain or control. The only tracking will be to determine the community's needs versus the resources they can produce. And no central governing figure will determine the community's needs, it will be done by the most skilled technicians in that community.

The nuances of a cashless society versus a moneyless society can all be boiled down to control. In the New World Order sponsored cashless society an oligarchy of wealthy people decide how much purchasing power a person has. In a resource economy no one has any purchasing power, but everyone is responsible for maintaining their community. The control in a resource economy is enforced by personal self interest and community awareness. The only way this control can be implemented is by education about the benefits away from central authority and towards a community based society.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Free Nation Project

There is currently a Free State Project to move people around the nation to New Hampshire and overtake the small state's legislature. On the Federal Level I don't think the state's elected leaders have any power and are always going to be puppets for the economic forces supporting them. My evidence is the unelected treasury secretary Henry Paulson threatening Martial Law if the Banker Takeover bill wasn't passed:
Also unelected Defense Secretary Gates (who will be coming from the Neocon Bush Administration to the Neoliberal Obama Administration) has ordered the National Guard disbanded and the governors of each state to be puppets of the Federal Administration, with only figurehead status:

How can people retaliate against a federal government that doesn't recognize their constitutional power? My answer would be to protect local elections by becoming precinct leaders at The precinct leader program can cast a national net of influence by electing officials whose have freedom oriented principles. At a local level we can still control the enforcement of laws.

Beyond the political realm we can also starve the beast by stopping the use of fiat money. I've blogged about this concept previously here:
In addition to my original blog I think going off the fiat money should be a nationwide network of consumers and sellers of goods and services. The sellers agree to accept local or real currency. I've tried to setup a nationwide network on the frontpage of one of my websites here:

Unfortunately I don't have the web skills to setup a list to connect consumers and sellers. Just like the Campaign for Liberty this could be used to connect local business leaders with their consumers who want to end the Federal Reserve System. There are two forms of currency I have found that could be used by this network.

1) Commodities-this is the barter and trade method. Precious metals are the most respected commodity, but also food, goods and services can be traded wherever the commodity can travel.
2)L.E.T.S.(Local Exchange Trade System)-
-stay within the community it serves
-be issued by the people who use it
-exist in sufficient supply to meet the needs of that community.

Local currencies have been implemented by local goverments for a long time. Most recently Milwaukee's local government is issuing their own currency:,0,2902061.story
Here are other stories about local governments making their own currency and systems already setup for an alternative currency:
There are several thousand more. The key is getting everything you need without using private bills of credit.

The goal to get back to a governmentally controlled monetary system has historical background.
There was a govermentally issued form of currency used early in the American colonies known as colonial scrip. "Colonial scrip, were "bills of credit" created by the government, based on the credit of that government, and this meant that there was no interest to pay for the introduction of money."
Also noted about the system engineered by Benjamin Franklin "The Pennsylvania version of this currency was said to be the most effective, because they controlled the money supply and issued only enough notes so as to satisfy the demands of trade, preventing inflation."
The currency act was passed just to stop this colonially controlled currency:

Later the European banks were having such a tough time making their usurious policies popular in America stated this in the London Times in 1865:
"If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become endurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains, and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."
The Federal Reserve Act was passed half a century later that has created a private bank and our current financial crisis.

The money supply should be back in the hands of the popularly elected government. Until we have our elected government's power back it is up to the people to stop using private bills. If the majority of the world stops using dollars then the Federal Reserve will be destroyed.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Zeitgeist Plan Toolkit

Planning a Zeitgeist Toolkit there are several things I would want to give to people who are new to the concept of a resource economy.

First, an explanation of the Central Banking fractional reserve lending practices. Zeitgeist Addendum part 1 succinctly summarizes this practice and puts it into perspective the ramifications of Central Banking with John Perkins testimony. Also due to the financial collapse and global consolidation under Bankers rule it would be best to make another movie detailing the Banker Takeover Bill, the fraudulent carbon taxing scheme and their ramifications.

Second, an explanation of a resource economy. The Zeitgeist Addendum movie doesn't tackle this as thoroughly as I would like. People should have a better understanding before going into a resource economy about the possible hardships due to an unwilling oligarchy and an uninformed population. The topic of government should be explained from the perspective of what was envisioned by America's founding father's and the current possibilities in government due to our technological sophistication. Also technology needs to be demystified and understood by both an uninformed population and those that know a technocratic elite seek to rule the world. A resource economy's technology is throughly beholden to the people and mastered by anyone capable and willing in the society.

Third, activist materials to hand out or talk about. All the usual fliers, newsletters, magazines, youtube videos, etc. .

Fourth, scheduled meetings by groups. Easily done by internet software like facebook groups should stay informed about the entire world group's activities and local activities.

Fifth, business solutions to finally get off the grids of power. I've presented several solutions in my blogs so far. Whether people act on them or make up their own still remains to be seen.