Thursday, November 20, 2008

Population is never a problem

In the resource management model population is never a problem. I'll use a real world example to show this truth. In austrailia there is roughly 7.5 Billion 1/4 acres of land. Today there are roughly 6.7 billion people. If every person in the world received 1/4 acre of land in Austrailia the entire world would be left along with 200 Million acres in Austrailia. I've shown examples of entire families living from growing food on 1/10 an acre of land. How big is the rest of the world's land mass? Roughly 30 times the size of Austrailia or able to accomodate another 140 Billion people. The Venus Project even shows people living underwater. How big is the world's water mass? Roughly 70 times the size of Austrailia or able to accomodate another 490 Billion people. These numbers are huge and they show what a lie we've all been told.

There should be no one child policies, no abortions, no sterilizations and no contraceptives. Family planning today is a euphemism for baby killing. In a responsible world, a world that cares for those that most need our care it is the greatest glory to have children. This topic some people who agree with most of the zeitgeist movie disagree with me on:

If that's the world these sad people want to inhabit then I'll not be a part of any population control. The truth is the world is more than capable of handling hundreds of billions more humans and even beyond. Lunar colonies and martian colonies can be established with today's technologies.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Resource Management Business Model

I've written alot about the different types of businesses I see initially to get people off the controlling grids of power. It's important to recognize we're still in a monetary system and there's no way out of it without an initial monetary investment and a self perpetuating generator of systems that empower their owners to not hook into a central, alien authority. Now I am going to boil down the model for any business to start a resource economy. This model can be used for any product or service and will be refined over time.

The resource management company is owned by all the participants who initially bought into the system and who later buy into the system. The manager, employee and customer relationship are eventually eroded because in theory everyone is responsible for maintaining the system. How can this happen? Wouldn't the burden just fall on one chump like we've all seen happen in leaderless systems before? Well, that's where education, feedback and improvement of the system comes into play. Also the integration of automation so the tasks a robot could do are outsourced. Some people might think a robot doing our tasks is outlandish. But look at all the tasks currently robotocized. It only takes a few more arms and controls to make most everything people do automated. I'm not going to pretend that some people aren't going to want a free ride. Maybe the group is initially started with a contract for each member or members can hire a third party to service the system and the members are just responsible for paying the third party.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Staticism vs. Dynamicism

I write alot about endgames because it's important to visualize the goal. I see free market at best as a transitional, or dynamic, goal towards equilibrium. There will be no peace under a currency system because no law can restrain immorality when the means for survival can be bought. The endgame of either a few owning the world's resources or everyone owning the resources are two opposing endgames. Both endgames can only exist in transition towards the other state. Once the endgame is finished the system becomes more static and an equilibrium, however unfair, is established.

A resource economy is not a utopia. It offers a solution to better understand the problems facing society without a mechanism for unscrupulous people to take advantage over morally just people. There will always be a dynamic change component within a resource economy, but the opportunity for change will not be hampered by a central authority or a horde of the ignorant population. The currency endgame does offer a utopia, of sorts, for those few able to claw themselves to the top of the pile. The currency endgame's peace involves termination or subjugation by force while the resource economy's peace involves freedom and the responsibility to choose for every citizen.

The New World Order Balancing Act

I see the New World Order (NWO) as a gymnast on a balance beam having to walk a fine line between true ideals and subversive appetites. The NWO puts forward political agendas like communism, environmental agendas like Global Warming, social agendas like national service, military agendas like global policing and religious agendas like the ecumenical movement as some boon to mankind. The truth is they are each a radical departure from helping mankind, but for a time they supply the necessary propaganda to sway a massive amount of people towards their false causes.

Communism is one of a number of different political experiments thrown out by the NWO after it served their needs. What did I think about communism before I learned about its true history? I thought it was about people working together towards a better life for everyone in their community. I thought it failed because the capitalist system prevailed and competition is always necessary for survival. The truth I found out is radically different. Communism was funded by wealthy industrialists in America and Europe. They put into power an insane dictator who supported corruption, murder and theft. Communism originally was never about helping the common people, or destroying all the caste systems. It was about creating two caste systems-the predators and the prey. The people were subservient to their dictator. Their was no common goal or good, just a central authority. In the end the prey overcame their predator and a new, predatory capitalist system emerged.

The current environmental brainwashing scam is to charge people for exhaling Carbon Dioxide. Carbon Dioxide we breathe out and plants breathe in. The Club of Rome originally proposed the global warming scam right before the Berlin Wall fell, sounding the death knell for communism. Michael Crichton brilliantly explained one goal of the scam is to fill the vacuum of fear people felt after the Cold War died. Another goal is to subvert the environmental movement that was exposing the rape of our natural environment by unscrupulous businessmen. Now the environmental movement is focused on a false goal. A third goal is to give cover to another tax bubble that is needed after the fiat currency bubble pops. The carbon scam has caught on thanks to a massive media blitz, acceptance by laughable experts, and an ignorant population. Who knows Al Gore got most of his money from oil?

National Service is another term for slavery. There is no government able to demand any free man to serve against their will. For the past century Americans have been subjugated to economic slavery due to an illegal income tax. In 1917 the selective service act was accepted to draft young men into war. Today there is a call for National Service and several bills that criminalize demonstrations or speech against government.

Global policing has long been decried by great political leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. Every sovereign country never has the need to patrol other countries to protect their sovereignty. Today America's military and NATO's peacekeeping forces set up global bases with no end in sight. It is true that people need to be vigilant in other countries, but setting up armed bases and prolonging conflicts leads to more war. The only way sovereign countries act abroad is ongoing diplomatic relations and answering to their own people's representatives for war actions. Never constant aggression on other countries.

Spirituality and Religion are not the same thing. Few people explore their own spirituality beyond their chosen religion. Religion is a dogma of beliefs. A person has a personal relationship with their spirituality and doesn't need to adhere to someone else's dogma to affirm their faith. The ecumenical movement seeks to bring together different denominations under one religion. Once again this is a slight variation of what should happen. The people of the world need to respect other's beliefs and never instruct others on how they should practice faith. In other words, the different religions of the world could live together but never in a forced way under a central authority. Everyone needs to choose their religion and their spirituality for themselves.

How do we knock the NWO off their balance beam? By exposing the lies. Educating the public. Never giving into their false schemes and teaching other's there's a better way to live. Either you can be quiet about your rights to sovereignty and await the wave of zombies force fed these lies, or you can start speaking truth to power and exposing lies. The choice is yours.

Swinging for the Fences

A resource economy is a finished economical end game. There will always be improvements to the social structure and inventions to improve our life. To get at the root of our constant struggle for survival one endgame is giving the resources back to everybody, or a resource economy. The opposing endgame is hoarding resources amongst few, or the New World Order's (NWO) economy. Using a baseball analogy, the first base hit to either of these endgames is a free market.

Let me explain, a free market gives people the tools to be prosperous. However, the laws that break apart monopolies, insider trading, illegal dealing and government collusion normally are not strong enough to break the web of greed created by this prosperity. If the laws of man were equitably enforceable then free market would have a chance to survive without impunity. The laws of man are easily sidestepped when a few people control the monetary supply. Some people might argue that free market automatically stops anyone from controlling the monetary supply. Their argument is flawed because the free market allows prosperity to bloom irregardless of moral conviction.

The free market is always going to attract con men who steal from others without moral compunction. It's an obsession for sadistic people because they either lack empathy or were conditioned to no longer care for other people. If a free market were ever established then it would only be a matter of time when the next con man would usurp the system. There are always opportunities for foxes to get in hen houses, unless there are no hen houses. In a resource economy there is nothing to steal. Everything is owned by the participants in the system, but no one has the right to take away any allocated resource. The resource economy endgame gives everyone their necessities and is owned by everyone in the system. The opposite NWO endgame is quickly approaching.

Almost every day there are calls for a one world currency which translates to a one world government. As articulated by Baron Rothschild in 1796 “I care not about laws...those who print the money make the laws”. They probably engineered this crisis, just like the failure of the England Stock Market in 1787, the Federal Bank Runs in the 1800's and the Worldwide Depression in 1929.

Maybe I'm giving the N.W.O. more credit than they are due. The truth is in a currency system cycles of depression always occur. In a fiat currency system they occur more frequently than most of the public are aware. Ever since the Presidential Financial Working Group was established in 1987, due to a monumental drop in the stock market, there is no congressional oversight over the markets in America. Today there is no way, besides a political referendum, to discover a verifiable paper trail where the market was manipulated. The evidence I have against the NWO is a centuries long history of failure, intentional destruction, and morally bankrupt announcements about their plans for our world. If you doubt any of this please ask for references and I'll point you to some great, honest history.

A resource economy is truly swinging for the fences. It is possible to run past the first three bases in the resource economy of free market, prosperity and automation and head directly to freedom. In the NWO's currency endgame the first three bases are free market, monopoly, and debt leading to slavery. Recently Senator Obama became president elect for the United States of America. One of the main pillars of his new presidency is forcing people of every age range to serve the government. His establishment has also taken Ralf Emmanuel, the son of an Israeli terrorist, as Chief of Staff. In Emmanuel's book he vociferously mimics Obama's initiative to involuntarily serve the call of government. If this initiative passes every American citizen will become a slave to international financiers. The question is will patriots go for a first base hit or a home base run towards a resource economy? I'll continue to swing for the fences and point my bat high into the outfield.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Powerful Idea

How often people would rather criticize shocks me. In a society based on freedom of expression there is a need for respect of other's ideas. Otherwise what would be the point having any ideas at all? It's a societal problem brought by our lax respect to knowledge in general. How many people protested once they found out the electric car was destroyed? (not a whole lot-it's alot easier to gripe about your neighbor than to a multimillion company). To never have tested ideas is a travesty of free will. Now the destructive comments have come to this blog.

I recently installed a chatroll feature that enables people to chat about the zeitgeist movement and get the plan underway. Unfortunately the same people who posted destructive comments on other blogs have made it their mission to use the chatroll. This I would view as a waste of time on their part unless they were scared of the zeitgeist idea. I don't waste my time going on blogs arguing with people I never met about some idea. Especially when there are alot of other, more pressing, problems in the actual world. This blog only tries to clarify an unimplemented plan not tied to any group dedicated to destroying sovereignty. It's a free blog for free thoughts. Time would be better spent going on the CFR website and commenting about their policies, or any of the other news agencies. But, I suppose, this blog is an easy target for gutless individuals because it's so open.

I won't delete the chatroll feature because it is a useful communication tool. The amount of negative posts demonstrates the power and mystery of the zeitgeist ideal. I've tried to dispel alot of the lies and misinterpretations of the movie and of our history, but still some people don't seem to get the message. Like the movie says, it's their choice.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

ARI (Accurate Research Institute)

The health and energy problems all over the world are mostly due to corporations sponsoring research for their own products. Unsafe, poor and wasteful products reach the market because they are either cheaper to make or to purposefully harm the consumer. Less than stellar research doesn't just come from corporations, but also government and non profit institutions spew dishonest research. Dishonest research is only the tip of the iceberg where knowledge is disrupted. There are also entire regions of research not under investigation due to corporate or government interference.

The resource management model of business could solve this problem for the consumer. Honest research conducted from laboratories not associated with the product or the producer could form. The laboratories don't need to be incorporated just to do research for consumers, but the profits from conducting research should go back to forming more accurate research centers. Unlike other consumer research companies the Accurate Research Institute would never be centralized and would work on a per mission basis.

Accurate Research Institute could also form the nucleus of the better methods found in a Resource Management Model. The Institute could investigate new ways to improve health, increase energy and form better communities with consumer support.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Zeitgeist Amusement Parks (ZAP's)

Before an idea can become real it has to be the vision seen around the world. Here is my vision of the most easily deployable amusement park/store across the country

1) People pay an entrance fee
2) Fruit trees/bushes and vegetable gardens are all over the store. People are given one basket to pick as much as they want
3) The store's power is run on either wind or solar
4) Throughout the store are miniature replicas of the massive structures that are possible including all the automated systems possible
5) The store sells activist items like books, DVD's, ways to get off the grid and other store franchises
6) A soundproof room for mediation resolutions (a fun alternative to lawyers, judges and the penal system)
7) A solar car grand derby where there are solar cars, but also people can bring their own to race

8) An information center where people can learn by either TV or by a representative about what the possibilities are for a resource economy

Here are the major cities where an amusement park should be opened:
New York City
New Orleans
Los Angeles
San Francisco
St. Louis

Movie Idea: Isocracy

Another movie idea would be to show a person transported into the future where the resource economy has transformed the world. There are many mechanisms to freeze someone in time:

1) cryogenic storage either accidental or intentional to preserve their lives until a way to save them from some disease is discovered

2) The movie is a dream where they wake up and just have the memory of some future

3) Some futuristic time machine where the person either sees the future or experiences the future

4) The future is shown as the present and they either find someone from the past or resurrect someone from the past

I favor the first method by intentional storage because it is the most likely, hopeful and gives the main person a back story. It doesn't have to be cryogenic storage, maybe a coma where global strife rages outside while the main character manages to live in a coma state. The strife could be so overwhelming that politics changed dramatically in a short period of time.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Odd Jobs Resource Management

The honest news sources have been predicting for years a global currency crisis and a deep depression for most of the world. We are seeing their predictions come true. Thousands are losing thier jobs in all different types of industries. The crisis will continue until the financial cancer kills most of the real market. As happened in many other financials busts the ones who engineered the crisis will be in prime position to buy up the devalued real market.

What can those left out of a job in the real world do to protect themselves? Storing up food and water is a temporary solution to a possible decade long problem. Also how do they pay for the essentials of heating and transportation? The government probably won't help the vast majority of the middle class. The governments are owned by the people trying to destroy the middle class. As seen in the last depression a global war was used to shift economic resources and will probably be tried in the current depression. Rand Corporation recently lobbied the American Pentagon to start a war with Russia or China. (

The answer to a deep depression could be collaboration to change the human resources department into a job resources department. Who will have a job in a depression? Most people will, just not on a permanent basis. For example, people still need their lawns mowed, their files collated or their bookkeeping done but don't want to hire someone as a salaried employee. So how do people connect to a possible money source? In my opinion they will require a resource management group in their community to find them jobs.

Not only job resource management, but also wealth resource management. There are many opportunities to help people out of a debt crisis, retain their wealth, wisely invest or use programs setup by the government to give money to its citizens. Socialism has bloomed after the international financiers found it could use it to enslave populations. Why not take advantage of social institutions that give money away to certain groups, or fully take advantage of the system that is being used to enslave the population? Today we have a significant advantage over earlier depressions because of our ability to instantaneously connect and move enmasse towards a better solution. If the government gives you the right to use money then it would be irresponsible to neglect that right and it would be charity to tell as many other people about their common resource.

Even before people lose their jobs it would be a good idea to have a place to turn for people who no longer want their jobs. Am I talking crazy? I think not. Where do people find jobs who are in the armed services who don't want to protect corporations or who work in the IRS and no longer want to enforce a false law for a fraudulent system of control? Adam Kokesh spoke about this brilliant solution here:
The peaceful solution, maybe the only solution, to avoid war and stop the eugenics machine is for people to quit their government job and find another way to support themselves without helping the government plans.

Odd jobs resource management acknowledges the current reality of a currency system, but rejects the notion that competition is greater than collaboration. Creating a group that gives people the opportunity to maintain their lifestyle and take advantage of a socialist system would ensure a healthier beginning to a resource economy. A resource economy doesn't have to start out of no money. Indeed, it must start with a great deal of wealth and a deep understanding that government is at its best when it is at its least powerful. The only way to make the government powerless is to give people a different option for their survival.