Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Resource Management Business Model

I've written alot about the different types of businesses I see initially to get people off the controlling grids of power. It's important to recognize we're still in a monetary system and there's no way out of it without an initial monetary investment and a self perpetuating generator of systems that empower their owners to not hook into a central, alien authority. Now I am going to boil down the model for any business to start a resource economy. This model can be used for any product or service and will be refined over time.

The resource management company is owned by all the participants who initially bought into the system and who later buy into the system. The manager, employee and customer relationship are eventually eroded because in theory everyone is responsible for maintaining the system. How can this happen? Wouldn't the burden just fall on one chump like we've all seen happen in leaderless systems before? Well, that's where education, feedback and improvement of the system comes into play. Also the integration of automation so the tasks a robot could do are outsourced. Some people might think a robot doing our tasks is outlandish. But look at all the tasks currently robotocized. It only takes a few more arms and controls to make most everything people do automated. I'm not going to pretend that some people aren't going to want a free ride. Maybe the group is initially started with a contract for each member or members can hire a third party to service the system and the members are just responsible for paying the third party.

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